Only 441 seeds are required to purchase all the weapon slots you can purchase. The upgrade cost for each category increases with each upgrade. Woodland Korok Seed Locations (35 Seeds).Wasteland Korok Seed Locations (68 Seeds).Tabantha Korok Seed Locations (37 Seeds).Ridgeland Korok Seed Locations (80 Seeds).Lanayru Korok Seed Locations (62 Seeds).Hyrule Castle Korok Seed Locations (25 Seeds).Great Plateau Korok Seed Locations (18 Seeds).

Dueling Peaks Korok Seed Locations (59 Seeds).Central Korok Seed Locations (89 Seeds).Each region will be added as it is completed. If for whatever reason you prefer this method, or are struggling to get that last seed in spite of the map’s assistance, we’ve still got you covered.

Each page below has a full listing of all the Korok Seeds within its region, along with pictures, a description, and a video collecting all the seeds. In addition to our Interactive Map, we will also divide up the Korok Seeds by region. Method Two: By Location, Walkthrough Style, with Video To quickly navigate, you can click any of the links below to scroll the map to the Tower of your choice. In addition, it also shows the location of all Shrines, Shrine Quests, Side Quests, and many other useful bits of information, that you can toggle on or off using the layers menu, and you can also mark those as completed to help keep track of them as well. Using the map allows you to collect the seeds in any order you like, wherever you happen to be in the world at any given time, as many as you feel like getting at that moment.