It can be found by dialing *#06# as a phone number, as well as by checking in the phone settings of your device. How to remove a network blockade on Huawei e5331? You will receive the unlock code and instructions on how to enter the code. The network unlock code comes directly from the manufacturer's database. Fill out the form providing the model, IMEI number of the device, original country and current operator. Get Huawei New Algorithm V4 devices unlock code. Now we need to generate the Unlock Code for the modem using the IMEI number, Refer this Post Generate Unlock Code For Huawei Router. Huawei V4 & V5 Algo Unlock Code Calculator. First of all check IMEI number of your modem and note down it. In order to get unlocked you just need to follow this simple steps Before starting make sure your router is charged fully.

Huawei v4 and v5 unlock code calculator by imei Breaking, huawei, Mifi, Modem, Phone, POPULAR, Router We can now. Huawei Unlock Code Calculator Free is an online tool where you can generate your Huawei Device Unlock Codes, simply enter your IMEI below to get your Free Unlock Code.

Type following command : AT^CARDLOCK ="". You must set com port on modem ( Huawei Mobile Connect - 3G Modem ). Open Hyperterminal : C:Program FilesWindows NT (should be there). Select NCK on, and enter your Unlock Code. Your Huawei E5372 shows you NCK or SOS or Power.